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 Sketching in Lundy Canyon


Everyone can sketch. Get a piece of paper, any piece of paper, and a pen or pencil or

marker and make some drawings, notes, scribbles. Be daring! Start a sketchbook!


Make yourself do a sketch a day, write something about the day, and don't worry


about whether it's any "good". Lines can be crooked, color can be weird, lopsided is


ok! Sketching helps you to see things you might otherwise overlook. When you look at


your sketches later, the days will come back to you, in a very real way. It's good for


your brain, good for your psyche, good to leave to your loved ones. I always prefer an


artists' sketches and studies to the big studio pieces....they are more personal and




Field Sketching

Pages from my Sketchbooks, click on an image to enlarge

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